Manipulating the DOM with the SiteKiosk Object Model

Web pages that are used for a kiosk project are often ones that have been created before the kiosk project started and have not necessarily been created with kiosk usage in mind. In most cases this does not matter. But sometimes the requirements of a kiosk project may ask for special handling if a page is displayed on a kiosk (e.g. change button size). Ideally the web pages are then adapted, but this may not always be possible, e.g. because direct access to edit the pages is not possible.

With the help of the SiteKiosk Object Model pages displayed within the SiteKiosk browser (Internet Explorer engine, for the Chrome variant please have a look here) can be altered by directly editing the DOM of a page. For that you need to look at the source code of a page, e.g. by using the developer tools of IE, Chrome or Firefox, and find the appropriate places that need to be changed.

The following example demonstrates this by changing the Google page to show SiteKiosk as the search term and to use 'Search for SiteKiosk' as the caption of the search button. Copy the code example to Notepad and save it as a .js script file with whatever name you like, e.g. manipulatedom.js. Open the SiteKiosk configuration, go to Start Page & Browser or Browser Design (depending on the SiteKiosk version you are using), click on the Advanced button and add the script as an external script file. Save the configuration, start it with SiteKiosk and go to to see the effect.

SiteKiosk.Logfile.OnMessage = OnMessage;
function OnMessage(seq, time, utcoff, awtype, awlevel, facility, text)
    if(text.indexOf("Navigation:") !== -1 && text.indexOf("google.") !== -1)
        evtid = SiteKiosk.Scheduler.AddDelayedEvent(1000, ManipulateDOM);
function ManipulateDOM()
    for (var i=1;i<=SiteKiosk.WindowList.Windows.Count;i++)
            if(SiteKiosk.WindowList.Windows(i).SiteKioskWindow.SiteKioskWebBrowser.WebBrowser.LocationURL.indexOf("") !== -1)
                SiteKiosk.WindowList.Windows(i).SiteKioskWindow.SiteKioskWebBrowser.WebBrowser.Document.getElementsByName('q').item(0).value = "SiteKiosk";
                SiteKiosk.WindowList.Windows(i).SiteKioskWindow.SiteKioskWebBrowser.WebBrowser.Document.getElementsByName('btnK').item(1).value = "Search for SiteKiosk";
            //SiteKiosk.Logfile.Notification("Editing the DOM failed for window: " + SiteKiosk.WindowList.Windows(i).ItemText); //Debug

The for part of the above code goes through all open windows to find the one that shows the Google page and apply the code.

Note that when using the above example you should make sure to take care of local laws, ownership rights, copyright etc. Also note that the above example only works as long as Google does not change the code of their page.