Unload a SiteCaster Webview when it is not displayed

Generally, SiteCaster loads webviews at the point where they first appear in a session in SiteCaster. In order to avoid reloading a webview each time again when it is displayed e.g. in container types like sequence, overflow container or swap container, it is always kept in the loaded state. This has the side effect that if the displayed webview contains audio elements these are also audible in the non-displayed state. If you want to prevent this you can use the expert setting shouldUnloadWhenHidden. Additionally you can use the setting shouldUnloadWhenHidden to bring certain webviews always in a newly loaded state when they are displayed.

To activate the expert setting shouldUnloadWhenHidden, open the project in the SiteCaster editor. In the URL address field of your browser you must add &expert at the end of the URL and then press Enter to reload the project.

After activation of the expert mode you see the Expert Edit button in the tool bar. Create a webpage element on your project page, select it and press the Expert Edit button.

At the bottom of the Expert Settings dialog box enter the property shouldUnloadWhenHidden. In the dropdown menu on the right side select Boolean and activate the checkbox. Then press the plus button and save the setting.


After pressing the expert setting there is an additional line shouldUnloadWhenHidden with activated checkbox displayed in the expert settings. Close the expert settings dialog with pressing the save button. After activation of this setting the webview will be unloaded when it is not displayed.


Customize the SiteCaster Player in SiteKiosk

Please note that this article refers to a legacy product. We recommend to use the SiteCaster Kiosk CMS instead.

SiteKiosk (version 8.0 and higher) offers the possibilty to embed a SiteCaster player into an HTML page. You can then use this page as, for instance, a start page in SiteKiosk. If you only want to play your Digital Signage campaigns as scheduled in full screen, you can simply choose SiteCaster to play full screen in the SiteKiosk configuration tool under Start Page & Browser -> Digital Signage and you are ready to go.

If you want more control over the player, for example play certain campaigns in reaction to an event (like a button click), this is also possible, but requires a small portion of JavaScript in your page. I will describe here as an example how you can build a SiteCaster start page to play a certain campaign whenever the user clicks a button on the page.

First let's have a look at the basic HTML structure of a SiteCaster full screen start page. Please create a file named "SiteCasterCustom.html" and save it to the folder {Program Files}/SiteKiosk/Skins/public/Startpages/SiteCaster/ (the path to {Program File} depends on your installation of Windows). In the SiteKiosk configuration tool, set this file as the start page for SiteKiosk then.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<body scroll=no style="overflow:hidden; margin: 0; border: 0;">
	<object id="player" classid="clsid:719D9061-22DA-4D25-9BB9-116404372496" style="width: 100%;
		height: 100%; background: transparent;">

This is just a standard HTML page with one object tag in the body (which has some styling to get rid of margins and border). This object tag embeds the SiteCasterPlayer into the page, so this is essential. In order to make some room for our button, we set the height of the object tag to "700px", so on a 720p screen (1280x720) we have 20 pixels left for the button. When we've added the button, the page looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<body scroll=no style="overflow:hidden; margin: 0; border: 0;">
	<object id="player" classid="clsid:719D9061-22DA-4D25-9BB9-116404372496" style="width: 100%;
		height: 700px; background: transparent;">
	<button id=playButton>Play it!</button>

This is our markup for this example, now we add a script to achieve the event handling. First we need to load a script that exposes the SiteCaster player functionality in a convenient way. This script in turn requires one other script that should be included before with a script tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<button id="playButton">Play it!</button>
	<script src="../../External/require.js"></script>
			baseUrl: "../.."
				function (context, siteCaster) {

					var player = siteCaster.Player();

					player.broadcastLoaded(function () {

At first glance this might seem a bit overly complex, but it is actually quite simple. The SiteCaster script (which has the file name SiteCaster.js) is using an API called RequireJS (http://requirejs.org) to load dependent scripts, so require.js has to be loaded first (this is the first script tag). After that the RequireJS functionality can be used.

RequireJS first needs a base URL to properly resolve the script paths, so we set it by using the require.config function. This base URL must point to the directory where the two folders "Scripts" and "External" reside. Going from the folder where the standard SiteCaster start page is located, this is two levels up (../..). 

Next we can call the require function itself to load our dependent scripts (in this case it is only SiteCaster.js). It excepts as a first argument an array of script paths that should be loaded. Going from the set base URL, the path to SiteCaster.js is "Scripts/SiteCaster". The file extension ".js" must be omitted, otherwise RequireJS will interpret the name differently.

The second argument is a function that will be called when all dependent script have been loaded. The first parameter to this function is a context object which we don't need here. The second is the siteCaster object that we will use.

Now that we have the SiteCaster object, we can ask it to give us a Player object. Since there can be more than one player on the same page, the ID of a specific object tag can be provided as an argument, but in this case we have only one and we let the SiteCaster script find it automatically. One last thing is missing before we can begin to use the player functionality: we have to make sure the player has loaded the active broadcast. So we set a function that is called when this happens with broadcastLoaded.

Inside this last function we now have full control over the SiteCaster player. In this example we want to play a different campaign, whenever the user clicks a button, so we set the onClick function of the button to a new function. Inside this onClick handler function, we need to find a certain campaign of the current broadcast and call play with it. So we call getCampaignItems() to get all campaign items of the currently playing broadcast. We assume here that the broadcast contains a campaign item with the name "ClickCampaign", which we want to play now. 


			baseUrl: "../.."
				function (context, siteCaster) {

					var player = siteCaster.Player();

					player.broadcastLoaded(function () {
						playButton.onclick = function () {
							var campaignItems = player.getCampaignItems();
							var i = 0;
							for (; i < campaignItems.length; ++i) {
								if (campaignItems[i].Name == "ClickCampaign") {

As you can see, we just loop through all campaign items until we find the one with the correct name and play it. The item will play once and after that the normal schedule will take over again. If you want to play the Campaign multiple times in a row, you have to play it again, when it ends. The code for that would like like this (only the onclick handler):

playButton.onclick = function () {
	var campaignItems = player.getCampaignItems(),
		i = 0,
		playCount = 0,

	for (; i < campaignItems.length; ++i) {
		if (campaignItems[i].Name == "ClickCampaign") {
			clickCampaignItem = campaignItems[i];

			player.campaignEnd(function (id) {
				if (id === clickCampaignItem.Id && playCount < 4) {
					playCount += 1;


Note that we call player.setAutoSchedule(false) to switch off the scheduled playing of the broadcast. This way we get complete control and scheduled (not disabled) campaigns won't kick in in between. After our click campaign has played four times we call player.setAutoSchedule(true) and campaigns are played according to the set schedule again (the ones that are not disabled). 

The complete HTML file containing the example script is attached to this entry, so if you have SiteKiosk 8 installed and want to try it out, just save it into the folder  {Program Files}\SiteKiosk\Skins\Public\Startpages\SiteCaster and set this as a start page in the SiteKiosk configuration tool. Make sure you create at least two campaigns in your broadcast and disable one of them (the one you want to play when the button is clicked) under "Schedule" in the SiteCaster tab in SiteRemote.


SiteCasterCustom.html (1.36 kb)